Ralph Ellison - Invisible Man (1952)


It's good on a literary level, Ellison's ability to make you feel is quite a powerful one. However, he lacks the ability to keep me entertained. This book should've been 300 pages shorter. I could barely even get myself to finish this. By the end I was pretty much just mindlessly flipping and barely paying attention to anything I was reading. I dreaded every time I'd have to pick up this book and keep reading. This is a basic rule of thumb for writing a consistent work of literature: no books should be longer than 500 pages unless it feels like a story that's best experienced with over 500 pages. HOWEVER, on a good note, I suppose if the idea is that you're supposed to feel exhausted from the relentless amounts of racism that surround our main character, it works, since as a reader you feel completely and thoroughly battered after reading what's supposedly just an excerpt of the main characters' life.
